Friday 15 November 2013

Richest people in Malaysia Options : Dato Kamarudin bin Meranun


Age: 52
Source of Wealth: airlines
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia
Marital Status: Married
Children: 5

Dato Kamarudin bin Meranun Co-founded Tune Group Sdn Bhd in 2001. Dato bin Meranun served as Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia Bhd from December 2005 to June 30, 2012 and also served as its President of Group Finance, Treasury, Corporate Finance & Legal until June 30, 2012. Prior to Airasia, he served at Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank as a Portfolio Manager from 1988 to 1993, managed both institutional and high net-worth individual clients' investment funds. He subsequently acquired the shares of its joint venture partner of Innosabah Capital Management Sdn Bhd, which was later renamed Intrinsic Capital Management Sdn Bhd. He serves as a Director of Airspace Communications Sdn. Bhd. He has been Chairman of AirAsia (B) Sdn Bhd since November 6, 2013 and has been its Executive Director since November 6, 2013. He has been a Non Independent & Non Executive Director of Tune Ins Holdings Berhad since March 11, 2013. He serves as a Director of Queens Park Rangers Football & Athletic Club Limited and Asia Aviation Public Company Limited. He served as a Non-Executive Director at Airasia X Berhad since June 30, 2012. Dato bin Meranun served as a Director of Malaysian Airline System Bhd from August 11, 2011 to April 30, 2012 and Executive Director of Airasia Bhd from December 12, 2001 to June 30, 2012. He served as Executive Director of Innosabah Capital Management Sdn Bhd since 1994, a subsidiary of Innosabah Securities Sdn Bhd. Dato bin Meranun received a Diploma in Actuarial Science from University Technology MARA (UiTM) and was named the 'Best Actuarial Student' by the Life Insurance Institute of Malaysia in 1983. He received a B.Sc. degree with Distinction (Magna Cum Laude) majoring in Finance in 1986, and an MBA in 1987 from Central Michigan University

Asia Aviation Public Company Limited
AirAsia (B) Sdn Bhd
Airspace Communications Sdn. Bhd.
Member of the Board of Directors
Queens Park Rangers Football & Athletic Club Limited
Non Independent Non-Executive Director and Member of Remuneration Committee
AirAsia X Berhad
Former Non Independent Non Executive Director and Member of Executive Committee
Malaysian Airline System Bhd
Executive Chairman and Chairman of Employees Share Option Scheme Committee
AirAsia Berhad
Non Independent & Non Executive Director
Tune Ins Holdings Berhad


BS 1986
Central Michigan University
MBA 1987
Central Michigan University

Other Affiliations*

Malaysian Airline System Bhd
Central Michigan University
Asia Aviation Public Company Limited
Universiti Teknologi Mara
AirAsia (B) Sdn Bhd
AirAsia X Berhad
Airspace Communications Sdn. Bhd.
Tune Group Sdn Bhd
Queens Park Rangers Football & Athletic Club Limited

Tune Ins Holdings Berhad


Kamarudin Meranun

Co-Chairman, Caterham Group

Dato' Kamarudin Bin Meranun has become one of Malaysia's most successful business tycoons, working alongside Tony Fernandes to make AirAsia a true phenomenon within and outside of the aviation industry.

With an honours and masters degree in Finance, Kamarudin's career started at the end of the 1980s when he joined the Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank, where he stayed from 1988 to 1993 as a Portfolio Manager, managing both institutional and high net-worth individual clients' investment funds.

In 1994, he was appointed Executive Director of Innosabah Capital Management Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Innosabah Securities Sdn Bhd. He subsequently acquired the shares of its joint venture partner of Innosabah Capital Management Sdn Bhd, which was later renamed Intrinsic Capital Management Sdn Bhd.

Kamarudin then sold a private music label to Warner Music and later joined forces with his long-serving business partner Tony Fernandes to co-found AirAsia, Tune Hotels and AirAsia X. He now holds the position of Deputy Group CEO of AirAsia and Deputy Team Principal of Caterham F1 Team.

10 Profile of OKU Entrepreneurs

1. Lee Thiam Wah

Business : Mini Market 99Speedmart
Physical: Men With Disabilities
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

He had more than 2OO 99Speedmart branches throughout Malaysia (2011). Lee in a wheelchair since childhood. When baby, Lee paralysis due to polio and lost the function kakinya.Bapanya a construction laborer and his mother a hawker, they work hard to support 11 children. They are only able to provide primary school education to Lee.
To get rid of loneliness, Lee learned himself by reading books borrowed from a neighbor, and junk food and snacks along the road side.
"I need to help themselves. No one want to hire me having this limited physical .. "
Lee is a deposit of RM5, 000 during the 23 years, enough to start a grocery store.

He has successfully set up 8 mini markets around Klang, Selangor at the end of the 1990s despite the economic turmoil happening at the time. This success is a source of confidence kepadanLee in business development department stores that have high potential.
In August 1992, 99 of the first supermarket was opened.

2. Tengku Arman Harris Tengku Ismail


Business : Batik Entrepreneurs
Physical: Hearing Impaired
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

For Tengku Ismail Tengku Arman Harris , 36 , a deaf , hard work and perseverance made ​​him one of the successful disabled entrepreneurs in silk batik-making enterprises in the state. Recounting his experience in silk batik industry , Tengku Arman began working on Romi Batik factory in Cendering here , in 1991 , and a batik in Batu Burok , for several years before opening his own company .

According to his mother , Olive Wan Wan Mansur , 59 , while working in these places , Tengku Arman learn various ways of making the cloth until 1996 before the company opened its own Arman at his home in Kampung Batik Tebauk here .

Olive , which is his sign language interpreter , said with determination to succeed in the industry , Tengku Arman erect a shed near her home , with batik work on a small scale . Armed with his talent and ability , he said the Social Welfare Department ( SWD ) Terengganu has provided financial assistance amounting to RM2 , 000 to Tengku Arman to expand his enterprise.

He said that after his son was shown promising enterprises , Tengku Arman apply for a loan of RM20 , 000 from Majlis Amanah Rakyat ( Mara ) and his company progressed to be able to pay back the loan in a short period .

His tireless efforts on Tengku Arman now the proud owner of two silk batik shop which is " Anas Boutique " in Subang Jaya , which is managed by diknya . He said he produced silk batik fabrics by two methods , namely through the block and mencating and it sold for between RM200 and RM400 a pair.

3. Mohd. Khairi Othman

Business : Fish Entrepreneurs
Physical: Do Not Have a Pair of Perfect Limbs
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

Hearts of parents that do not shatter when you see a child born into the world does not have a perfect pair of arms and legs as other children . Definitely more times of need when thinking about the future and the difficulties that would be encountered their jewel in the coming days .

For couples Othman Ali , 75 , and Juliah Ismail , 71 , from Kampung Tanjong Pulai town , that's the fact that they have encountered over the past 31 years after the gift of a child with disabilities (PWDs ) , Mohd . Khairi who only have their hands up to the elbows and legs at the knees.

While not perfect like other people , Mohd . Khairi never educated will mourn the disadvantages . Today, parents Mohd . Khairi able to smile proudly watching her son not only self-reliant but also become entrepreneurs in aquaculture, a field that involves a lot of physical activity.

It all started eight years ago, when Mohd . Khairi persuaded his cousin , Abdul Rashid Noordin that rearing fish in cages in the Pahang River .

He , who was fond of fishing, then agreed and borrowed a cage from the cousin of fish tilapia.Berkat persistent tireless efforts , today Mohd . Khairi managed to have 17 cages with tilapia and pangasius fish persistent efforts over the years.

He said between 600 and 700 kilograms of fish worth about RM4 , 000 to be sold at markets around town in every round result of five months. Perhaps the average income of about RM800 a month is not a large scale, but for special people like Mohd . Khairi , it is quite meaningful in helping the family life .

Routine , Mohd . Khairi will be in a wheelchair from her home before going down the stairs to the fish cages using both arms and pehanya.Beliau then feed the fish with a pinch of fish food container ( pallet ) , and sometimes lift themselves into sacks of food fish per cage .

He also had to clean the cage of the waste from flowing into the cage to prevent livestock dead fish . Activities that done every morning and evening . " With the physical conditions like this , there are many challenges to be encountered but I am used to since childhood , " said Mohd . Khairi told here .

However , according to Mohd Khairi , the outcome of each round , he will be assisted several relatives and friends to produce the fish for sale . Another disabled young man , Mohamed Mahidin , 38 , from Kampung Lettuce , Ganchong here also does not make disability as obstacles to become a successful fish culturist . Former silver medalist in the high jump competition at the 1998 Asian Paralympic Games in Bangkok , Thailand , is now successfully working 18 tilapia and catfish cage .

He became disabled in the right leg, said his involvement in aquaculture over the last six years bring returns of between RM1 , 000 and RM1 , 500 per month . He said livestock is in high demand from consumers , especially in large markets Kuantan.Ditanya difficulties he faced for the success of the project, Mohamed said he would try his best to overcome the problem .

" After I was raised in the village , used to play the river , " he said.
However , he said , the biggest challenge is that every time the flood season which forced him to stop while fish farming activities . The two young men , such as the other entrepreneurs also have ambitions to develop their business .

With the successful deployment of enterprise sweat fish cages , efforts Mohd . Mohamed Khairi and get the attention of the Department of Fisheries .

On October 23 last year, the two young men had received assistance through Aquaculture Support Service Scheme ( SPEKS ) delivered personally by the Director of the Department of Fisheries Aquaculture Development , Ismail Abu Hassan .

The scheme is intended to ease the financial burden and increase the income of aquaculture operators to provide infrastructure and support facilities . For Mohd . Khairi will help to enhance livestock production in the future . " The addition of fish cages require huge capital and help it definitely helps , " he said.

For Mohamed , he plans to expand fish farming cages downstream industries producing frozen products , pickled and crackers. He said through the observation does, all the products are now growing in popularity and great demand in the national market

4. Zhariff Afandi

Business : Chief Operating Officer (CEO) TZI Sdn Bhd
Physical: Born Without The Two Hands
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

MOTHER give Zhariff space and freedom to explore every challenge .' Giving a hand ... with a foot ' (give hand ... with legs ) . Great sense of these words in the life of Muhammad Zhariff Afandi , 29 . Shortcomings of this young man a strength to achieve success . Let's dive into the spirit and soul of this great young ...

ISSUE admiration eye first with this personality profiles . Although born with the physical characteristics of the infinite, this young man's spirit seemed to prevail in the hearts of consciousness arises .

It turned out the personality of the author meeting XY option - Icons Men this week , Muhammad Afandi Zhariff in Taman Tun Dr Ismail ( TTDI ) , Kuala Lumpur , recently opened the eyes of the spirit and thus trigger a new perspective in life.

Born without both hands, Muhammad Zhariff active in community programs and activities organized non-governmental organizations ( NGOs ) . Determination to contribute to the community beyond the lack of magnanimity itself demonstrates this young man .

"Individuals leading successful as Bill Gates , Steve Jobs and many others had been through many failures before success chart . So , for what we need to feel failed in every effort that would like to do.

" Do not occasionally limit what we've done , but we should try out the boundaries in order to move forward," said Muhammad Zhariff at the meeting . This guy has a background in the field of educational psychology from the University Graffith development , Australia and bachelor of arts degree in sociology at Kolej Damansara Utama ( KDU ) , Kuala Lumpur .

At the age of 30 years old stomping Muhammad Zhariff has over 10 years of involvement in community activities to establish the Zhariff Initiative ( TZI ) , which is a platform to share inspiration , knowledge , experience and skills to other communities .
" Zhariff Initiative aims to foster and develop social values ​​that are responsible for the business, government , academic institutions and other organizations , " said the 2011 recipient of the Premier 's Youth Awards .

5. Latip Md. Isa

Business : Meat and Poultry Processing Canopy rental services, truck and catering
Physical: Deformed Left Leg as Suffering from Polio Since Birth
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

At one time , Latip Md . isa impaired left leg because of polio since birth have been insulted when I want to buy equipment to start a business .
Situation of Southampton , 53 , who has no left foot caused him despised by society and considered unable to do any work.
However , he said , is insulting words enable now enjoy income of RM60 , 000 a month from meat and poultry processing business canopy rental , catering trucks and Bachang here .
'' I remember , at that time I had familiarized herself chicken breeding , poultry sales , I'd save some money for capitalization .
' Later, I asked the price of the equipment in a shop , but with a mocking glance , the shop owner said that I do not have to ask the price of the goods due to my condition , he felt I could not afford , " he said.
Southampton, met at the Day of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs ) are executed by the state Chairman of the Charities Members Wives of Malacca State Assemblyman ( Smart ) , Datuk Wira Asmah Abdul Rahman here.

At the event, of Southampton was awarded Entrepreneur disabled figures of nine other disabilities figures organized by the state Department of Social Welfare in order to recognize the potential of improving the lives of people through their careers .

Southampton, who is the eldest of six siblings and the only disability in the family thought he suffered disability has never deterred interest in going into business .

'Even had a limp because the left leg supported by iron tools in it , it did not dampen my enthusiasm for expanding sales of chicken meat and years ago, I add a business to rent a canopy , and catering trucks .

'' Thank God , I am now able to enjoy a gross income of up to RM60 , 000 a month, even during the first breeding and poultry processing , it is only out of compassion enterprise owners , he said.

6. Razali Rohani

Business : Drawing On Foot
Physical: Born Without The Two Hands
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia


OKU: ‘Kami boleh berjaya!’

Business : Bridal Business
Physical: Blind
Country of Citizenship: Malaysia

36-year -old woman from Garden Air Molek , Melaka has its own bridal business , Yus'Iman Collection is telling how he started from the bottom to strengthen its business.

"I started trading in 2007 , made ​​only small home. La normal business time recently , could not be of specific response . But I am collecting money to purchase goods business year .

" Coupled with the capital of RM2 , 600 given the Social Welfare Department ( SWD ) , I can buy quality makeup items , and only then I'm sure want to thank our customers, " he said.

According Yusnani , in 2010 , he sought assistance RM11, 000 from the government to expand the business and started buying wedding dress and bridal bed .

" In addition to bridal , I also sell home-made cakes after JKM courses and can follow baking machine , " he said.

Yusnani said her husband , Zahiruddin Kamarudin , 37 , who works as a postman helped a lot in business .

"He will follow me to buy goods business , and please spread flyers my business, " he said, lost sight in one eye .

Asked about the challenges of the business world, Yusnani said he did not have a big problem and consider the vicissitudes of the business world as normal



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